5 new pilots in ACAO!

5 new pilots in ACAO!

Exam weekend: 5 new licenses in ACAO! Andrea Angeli, Enrico Croci, Paolo De Luca, Paolo Gandola and Elizabeth Hotz passed their exam yesterday and are now new ACAO pilots.
After the forced closure, school activity has finally resumed and on Saturday and Sunday ACAO saw the promotion of 5 students who should have taken the exam last early March. The examiner Stefano Bianchetti was happy to promote our students, renewing the compliments to our school. I sincerely twant to hank the whole staff of teachers and our instructors who do their utmost for the training of the students, always taking them to exams with great success. An affectionate thought goes to our Alberto Albertazzi, we are looking forward to see him as soon as possible back to ACAO. Alberto, ACAO wings are waiting for you!!!



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