Saturday 17 September the Bettole racetrack in Varese saw an event organised by the Gandini Active Group with the participation of sporting associations and others.
The local Varese basketball, football, rugby and rowing teams, plus the Binda cycling association were represented and, last but not least, Aero Club Adele Orsi.
We displayed one of our single seaters in rather unusual conditions and club member Maro Campana brought model gliders.
Despite the harsh weather, this was an interesting evening and an occasion for our Chairman Margherita Acquaderni to report on the events for this year and present those for 2017.
The local Varese basketball, football, rugby and rowing teams, plus the Binda cycling association were represented and, last but not least, Aero Club Adele Orsi.
We displayed one of our single seaters in rather unusual conditions and club member Maro Campana brought model gliders.
Despite the harsh weather, this was an interesting evening and an occasion for our Chairman Margherita Acquaderni to report on the events for this year and present those for 2017.