Glider Tourist Flights

Glider Tourist Flights


Anyone can experience the thrill of a glider flight, just being over sixteen.

The Aero Club Adele Orsi Calcinate in fact organizes sightseeing flights on two-seater gliders from the club, where the passenger is accompanied by an experienced pilot or by an instructor.

The passenger must sit in the back seat of the glider if he flies with a pilot, on the front if he fies with an instructor, but he can anyway enjoy the stunning aerial view of the Varese valleys through the cockpit.

ACAO has two offers for the tourist flights, which differ in the height at which the glider is released from the tow plane and begins the real flight.

A sightseeing flight at 1.000 meters costs 150 euros and lasts about half an hour, while tat 750 meters takes about 20 minutes and has a cost of 120 Euro.


Glider Tourist flights in Calcinate



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