Sergio Noce

Sergio Noce

Dear Friends,
It is with great pain that I have to send you a very sad good morning.
Following a brave fight against terminal illness last night we lost our vice president Sergio Noce.
In addition to a Vice President, ACAO has lost a person of great esteem, a friend, a skilled, passionate and untiring pilot, a brilliant technician who gave so much to the club with such valuable ability.
He leaves an unbridgeable gap.
I embrace you all.



Sergio Noce



Dear Sergio, my dear Friend and Vice President

We never wanted to get to this moment. We owe it to you. We cannot leave you without our thanks.

Thank you for all the time over the years that you have passionately given to our club, our committee and to me. You were without doubt my right arm. Thank you for your constant presence, for your irony, your sense of humour, for making the toughest things easier. Your contribution was vital, stated with few words but cool, straight and incisive, tenacious, transparent, to the point, honest and generous. A dependable man not just with words but also actions. A highly competent technician who dedicated countless hours to solving problems aimed at improving our club structure. He loved to discover how to fix things as they occurred.

We cannot fail to thank you as a pilot, always helping in hundreds of little issues that regularly occur prior to takeoff……”Sergio the instrument is u/s, I don’t have the turning point, I have an engine problem”…. And thanks for the constant and communicative enthusiasm each time we took off for our airborne adventures.

We cannot fail to thank you as a Friend, with a capital “F” and that’s what we will miss most: You being always there, your smile, your jokes, your attentive ear, your advice (short but to the point), our flights alongside you, our jogging together, the tiresome marathons, the wonderful skiing…

Thank you finally for the example you gave us during the months you battled with illness with such strength and courage, overcoming events as they became more difficult.. “Let’s keep going” you said, “tomorrow is another day.” Your obstinacy certainly helped! You almost kidded us that you would be one if the tiny percentage of patients that survive…. and maybe after a spring in which you probably had more flight hours than on the ground, even you had come to believe it.

Thank you Sergio,
Now, finally, you are free to fly in the quiet sky, together with your other friends in paradise. Free from the body that dragged you through such an ordeal in your final weeks.
May you be still with us when we fly and every now and then look down on us. You’d certainly smile at how we stress ourselves … for nothing. That’s it.
You are in our hearts Sergio, Thanks!


La Prealpina





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