The flight of the 3 Alberts

The flight of the 3 Alberts

volo_sironi_Another memorable challenge made by our Alberto Sironi (the big Albert) who together with ALlberto Consolini (the small Albert) and towed by Alberto (Albertazzi) broke another italian distance record on a declared triangle, adding nearly 200 km after the end of the declared task.


The wind was very strong and our pilots were able to observe fenomena which from time to time were completely new, not “standard” ones.
In some cases they had to face a very strong west component, by making decisions that had not been planned on the ground.
The same thing happened because of the “stau” that had arrived until the Dolomites and that created quite a problem at the first turning point.


In flight also Luciano Avanzini together with Alessandro Villa who made a wonderful flight towards east.


ACAO offer all the pilots who flew its best congratulations!


Here the article explining this wonderful flight published by


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