X-Italy: big success for a new racing formula

X-Italy: big success for a new racing formula

13240112_1783716765180449_6595026186058044847_nSaturday 21 May saw the last stage of X-Italy 2016 for Italy (NB: “X” as in “Cross”) concurrently with the “Sailplane Grand Prix” in Varese.
“X-Italy 2016” is the zero edition of a new type of soaring strongly supported by the Italian Aero Club (AeCI) and organised by the ACAO (VA) and Pavullo (MO) aero clubs. It is distinguished by the sole use of of electrically powered gliders for self- take off and for in flight use. These rules have allowed a reworked attractive and motivational competitive formula, allowing tasks over new territory to promote more interesting flying. Finally X-Italia is linked with the “Giro Italia” cycling competition stage 10 in Sestola (MO) and the departure of stage 11 in Modena. The “Silent 2 Electro” performed some inflight routines, painting the sky with pink smoke.

The “X-Italy trial took the pilots for more than 1000km across Lombardy, Emilia,Tuscany and the island of Elba:
-1. SPEED race: Varese (VA)/Cremona (CR) with turning point over Mt Marenzo (LC)
-2.TIME race: Cremona (CR)/Pavullo (MO) turning point Fontanello (PR).
-3. SPEED race Pavullo (MO)/S.Vincenzo (LI), turning point Borro (AR).
-4. TIME race: S.Vincenzo (LI)/Marina di Campo (Elba).
-5. SPEED race: S.Vincenzo (LI)/Pavullo (MO).
-6. SPEED race: Pavullo (MO).Alzate Brianza (CO).
-7. TIME race: Alzate Brianza (CO)/Varese (VA).
IMG_5227Winner in this first edition was two time world champion Stefano Ghiorzo with Riccardo Brigliadori and Luigi Bertoncini second and third respectively.
We now have to await the FAI (International Aeronautics Federation) to analyse the X-Italy 2016 results with a view to making a profound change in “FAI 13.5m” category rules for the next season.
In this section you can read all the race results.
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