The Attilio Pronzati Trophy aims to remember Attilio’s sporting spirit by rewarding performance flights according to his way of interpreting gliding.
The Race Direction (DrG) consists of Emanuela Pronzati, Roberto Manzoni and Antonio Caraffini. In case of disputes by participants, the judgment of DrG is final.
Award in the two categories: female and male the longest pre-declared flight, adjusted byglider handicap, starting from Italian Airport and respecting the following geometries:
A) Round trip
B) Any triangle (even non-FAI)
All pilots regularly registered with an Italian aeroclub may participate.
Enrollment is free and occurs with the first flight notification described below. A pilot’s entry results in an unconditional acceptance of these regulations.
All types of gliders, motorized gliders and ULMs, single and two-seaters are allowed.
Valid for flights made from March 1 to September 15 departing from Italian territory.
Flights must be registered in the On Line Contest (OLC) system and then documented using GNSS flight recorders in IGC format, IGC approved or otherwise accepted by the OLC system. Electronic pre-declaration of the flight is mandatory.
It is mandatory to notify within 3 days of landing the result achieved with your flight, including the day and confirmation of publication on the OLC website: notification should be sent by email to
For each flight, only the distance flown along the predeclared theme is counted; this distance, expressed in km, is divided by the handicap of the glider, using the attached handicap table. The result represents the score associated with the flight.
The ACAO will publish on its website the data of the best flight in the two pilot categories. A prize will be awarded for the longest flight, divided by handicap, in both the women’s and men’s categories.
The Attilio Pronzati Trophy will remain the property of CSVVA and will be kept in Calcinate.
The names of the winners year by year in both the women’s and men’s categories will be engraved on the Trophy. In the case of two-seaters the crew will be awarded.
The award ceremony for the winning pilots, who will be given an award, will take place at the National Gliding Congress of the relevant year.
Every commanded pilot participating in the competition has the duty and responsibility to comply with the rules of the air and airspace regulations.
DrG is not in charge of verifying compliance with these rules. Any established transgressions may, however, be sanctioned by the Race Direction whose decisions are final.
DrG, and CSVVA disclaim any liability for damages that may result to persons or property as a result of participation in this Trophy.
Useful documents:
ANNEX A – Correction Factors (Hcp) Unique Class.
Year 2023
male category: Daniele Orlandi
female category: not assigned
Year 2022
Year 2021
male category: Carlo Faggioni + Fausto Castiglioni
female category: Margherita Acquaderni
Year 2020
Trophy not awarded
Year 2019
male category: Alberto Sironi
female category: not assigned