Scheibe Bergfalke II I-EVAM

Scheibe Bergfalke II I-EVAM

Data sheet

Places: 2
Length: 8.00 m
Wingspan: 16.60 m
Wing area: 17.70 m2
Empty weight: 246 kg
Maximum takeoff weight: 440 kg
Stall speed: 60 km/h
VNE: 160 km/h
Maximum towing speed: 120 km/h
Maximum load factor: +4 G / -2 G
Efficiency: 28 to 80 km/h
Rate of descent: 0.72 m/s at 72 km/h

Scheibe Bergfalke II I-EVAM

The Bergfalke is a fixed-gear two-seater glider developed in the 1950s by Egon Scheibe, over the years more than 300 examples were produced divided into 4 different models (I, II, III, IV).

Characteristic of this model are the shape of the cabin, which is atypical by today’s standards, and the negative arrow wing. The structure is mixed, typical of Scheibe constructions: the fuselage is a welded steel structure covered with fabric, while the wings are made of plywood-covered wood.

I-EVAM is a 1964 Bergfalke II/55, recovered in 2013 by a group of “Wood Pilots” in a barn in Parma, restored in 2014 and later donated to ACAO. This model allows for the needs of pilots who love vintage gliders and is available to all Members who have a desire to fly a “vintage” glider.


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