Schempp Hirth Duo Discus D-7613

Schempp Hirth Duo Discus D-7613

Data sheet

Places: 2
Length: 8.62 m
Wingspan: 20.00 m
Ballast capacity: 200 kg of water
Wing area: 16.4 m²
Empty weight: 420 kg
Maximum weight: 700 kg
Wing loading: 30.0 to 42.7 kg/m²
VNE: 250 km/h
Maximum efficiency: 45
Minimum descent speed: 0.58 m/s at 100 km/h

Schempp Hirth Duo Discus D-7613

The Schempp Hirth Duo Discus is a high-performance two-seater glider introduced in 1993 by Schempp Hirth to replace the Janus in the range of two-seater competition gliders.

Easy to fly, comfortable, maneuverable, agile and with excellent performance, the Duo-Discus is considered one of the most modern and aesthetically pleasing two-seater gliders in production.

The Club has three in its fleet(D-7613, D-1772, D-9828), owned by CSVVA and exercised at ACAO, available to Members for cross country flights, sport insignia and high performance stages.


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