20m Two Seater Class produces new Italian champions

20m Two Seater Class produces new Italian champions

cib20mThe Italian Championship 20m two seater class finished today. Despite unhelpful weather conditions race director Giorgio Ballarati exploited every possibility, winning five sections.
Luciano Avanzini is the new Italian champion. He flew an Arcus T AM, changing co-pilots almost every day.
Second place went to Alberto Sironi and Michele Chiarelli in the Arcus M MA, with third place going to Peter Hartmann and Michael Rassel in the Duo Discus Joy.
In fourth position but third on the Italian podium and only 5 points behind Hartman was Stefano Ghorzo +1 in his Arcus T, followed by Mauro Brunazzo+1 in the Arcus T, Aldo Cernezzi +1 in a Duo Discus T, Franco Poletti +1 in the Janus C, Sergio Noce with Renato Lazzerin in his Arcus M, Yuri Prodrutti and Gianni Spreafico in the DG1000 T, Alberto Righini+1 and finally Vittorio and Paola Lanzieri who due to work commitments had to leave the competition early.


A big thank you to all ACAO members who were so patient during the event and all those who worked for the success of the event, the participating pilots and the ground staff; Massimo, Fabio, Alberto, Gianni, Paola, Antonia, Daniela.
Thanks also to CSO president Roberto Manzoni who followed every phase of the race.
Congratulations to all the pilots for respecting flight safety rules and parameters and who followed the race director’s instructions. Finally, thanks to the tug pilots and to the race director.
The international meeting of Calif gliders is now set for Saturday 30th May finishing 7th June.

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