Another success for ACAO’s Open Day

Another success for ACAO’s Open Day


Despite less than optimum weather which forced the Open Day to be re-run, this year’s was a great success for ACAO. Dozens of people visited the airport, looking with great interest at the aeroplanes, gliders, ultralights and autogyros present on the airfield for the show.

Many were thrilled by air experience flights (both in gliders and aeroplanes) while others were able to try out our splendid simulator.

Also this Open Day, the second since its debut last year, has been so successful that it is definitely planned for next year.

This success is in great part due to the support and availability of members and personnel, welcoming and guiding visitors around the airport and answering all their questions. A big ‘thank you’ therefore to all the aero club which has proved once again to contain wonderful people!


Open Day 2015 gallery:

[lg_folder folder=”/OpenDay 2015/”]



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