General Assembly 30 October 2016

General Assembly 30 October 2016

Sunday saw the yearly General Assembly of club members which opened with a minute silence to remember our member and committee member Sergio Noce.

President Margherita Acquaderni presented the annual activity including events external to the club.

Statistics on the number of students, and regular members, on club gliders and tug aircraft were then presented and compared to those of the previous year.

Dr. Buzzetti presented the preliminary 2016 balance and the budget plan for 2017 was outlined and approved.

An important point on the agenda was the designation of a new Committee member. Enzio Provvidone was the sole candidate and was elected to that position. We wish him well in his new role.

Finally Alberto Sironi presented the results of the on-line questionnaire, which gauged “customer satisfaction” for the club, its assets and activity.

It’s certainly was a key moment of discussion and the Committee is keen on analysing the relevant suggestions from those that, beyond mere criticisms, formulated concrete propositions.
For further detailed information download the transcript of the assembly from the Download area of the website, where it will be available shortly.



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