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Press conference

Press conference

Another new important step in the life of the Adele Orsi Aero Club, one of the most important gliding centre in Itlay, which presented on Friday 4 September a series of scheduled nationally important competitions starting from the weekend and for the whole of next week . The press conference held on Friday, in Calcinate del Pesce airfield, was also an opportunity to illustrate the now classic Open Day appointment, this year scheduled for Sunday 20 September, and above all to inaugurate the brand new stairlift realised thank to the sponsorship, of three Rotary clubs in our area: the clubs of Varese, Varese-Ceresio and Varese-Verbano. “In particular, today we want to give due emphasis to a significant passage of the” I don’t walk but I can fly “project to which, in recent years, we have dedicated a great deal of effort and we have pursued with strong determination” explains Margherita Acquaderni, president of the Aero Club Adele Orsi “It is with great pleasure and interest that, by providing a platform that breaks down architectural barriers at the entrance to the club house, we are giving continuity to a project that allows people with disabilities to be brought closer to the flight.
In addition, for a week we will host some of the best Italian pilots on our field: in fact, several competitions that in recent months had been postponed due to the health alert, will be held. Another initiative that combines the competitive element with territorial promotion in the wave of that planning promoted by the Chamber of Commerce which, with the Varese Sport Commission initiative, has been supporting us for some time “. And so, from Saturday 5th September to Monday 7th to resume the following weekend, and until Sunday 13th September, with departure and arrival in Calcinate del Pesce, the pilots competing for the Italian Championships in the Promotion and 15 m categories will compete, for the Varese City Cup as well as for the Walter Vergani Trophy. Then on Wednesday 9 September, flying from Fano, the protagonists of the 3D printing project that allowed Mattia Negusanti, a young pilot with one arm disability, to obtain the VDS flight license, will return to the Aeroclub Adele Orsi, the first case in Europe. «We are happy to host our flying friends from Marche region once again. Just as we are happy to have with us, on the occasion of today’s press conference, Igor Macera, the first paraplegic to obtain the flight license, the surgeon Osvaldo Chiara, medical director of the Niguarda Hospital in Milan, Francesco Mondini president of AUSportiva and Angelo Pretini President of AUS Nigurda of the same Niguarda Hospital » Margherita Acquaderni ends up.


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