Varese City Cup – Walter Vergani Trophy 2022

Varese City Cup – Walter Vergani Trophy 2022
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The Aero Club Adele Orsi organizes the following speed races entered in the 2022 national sports calendar of the Aero Club of Italy:

  • Varese City Cup – Walter Vergani Trophy (CCV)
  • Italian 20 m two-seater class championship (C.I. 20 m)

The CCV-TWV is a single class handicap race whose results will be valid for IGC Ranking. Participants of Italian nationality with 20 m two-seater gliders will also compete for the Italian 20 m two-seater class championship.

All gliders (single or two-seater, including motorized gliders) are eligible for competition. The handicaps applied to the CCV are as given in Annex A of the National Rules for Speed Races. Should there be enough participants, they will be divided into two groups according to the handicap of the glider used.

Italian National category pilots and foreign pilots are eligible to participate.

The names of the CCV winners will be written on the Walter Vergani Trophy that will remain with the ACAO and will be given outright to the driver who should win 3 consecutive editions of the CCV.

The registration fee is set at €300.00. Reduced registration fee: those who register and arrange the transfer by February 28, 2022 benefit from a reduced registration fee of €250.00.

Registration is open and can be done directly online.


Table Index

Elenco iscritti

Data iscrizioneNome PilotaCognome PilotaModello alianteMarcheSigle di garaConferma
30/01/22MargheritaAcquaderniArcus TD-KWPPPP si
31/01/22AlbertoSironiArcus TD-KMOSAM si
31/01/22UgoPavesiASG29ED-KLBSUGO si
01/02/22Peter / KarelHartmann / KrobatFuture2.0D-KXXXQ
10/02/22StefanoGhiorzoArcus TD-KTABBRA si
11/02/22YuriProdoruttiarcus mdkbpgbpg si
18/02/22ThomasHynekVentus 2cmD-KHPUCC si
19/02/22MathijsVan HouweningeArcus MDKRGA13 si
25/02/22Mauro / AlbertoBrunazzo / AlbertazziARCUS MD-KZPPPB si
26/02/22Carlo / FaustoFaggioni / CastiglioniASH25 MiD-KGUECHE si
02/03/22AlessandroVillaASG29-18D-KCSM4A si
12/03/22StefanoCavallariASG 29D-9794C4 si
29/03/22MattiaCostaArcus MD-KRHPPR
05/04/22GiuseppeDal GrandeVentus2 cmxD-KFLHLH si
05/04/22UgoRaffaelliArcus MD-KFPRPR si
06/04/22GerolamoGhiringhelliASH25MID-KRSASA si
08/04/22StefanoGhiringhelliLS6I-TUELGP si
16/04/22AldoPigniVentus 3D-kqmcMC
20/04/22AndreaFerreroas 33dkbruma
25/04/22AlessandroBassaltiDiscus bD-85925I si


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