The Club

The Club

Who we are and what we do

The Aero Club Adele Orsi (A.C.A.O.) operates out of Calcinate del Pesce Airport (LILC) and is primarily dedicated to glider flying. To date, it is Italy’s largest gliding club with more than 200 registered members and an average of more than 20 pilots trained and licensed each year.

Calcinate Airport is located on private land on the shores of Lake Varese, a few miles from the town of the same name and at the foothills of the pre-Alps, in a strategic location for conducting gliding activities and with ideal conditions for soaring over the entire vast alpine territory, from southern France to the Austrian Alps. The Calcinate field was built in 1960 by a dozen members, and two years later the A.V.A.L. (Aeroclub Volovelistico Alta Lombardia) was formed, which since 1998 became A.C.A.O. in honor of the Varese champion Adele Orsi (1928-1998).

The Club is an environment of friends in which there is a sporting atmosphere: A.C.A.O. has always been at the forefront of gliding development, a goal pursued since the early years by organizing major international conferences, developing the sport and contributing to the exploration of the area with more advanced gliders. Even today, on an annual basis, international-level competitions (E-Glide, FAI Saiplane Grand Prix) and internships open to pilots from all over the world are organized at the Calcinate field.

Gliding is carried out by A.C.A.O. pilots in a multitude of ways: for the sheer pleasure of soaring in the foothills of the Alps, harnessing the energy of nature, or in the exploration of the most spectacular Alpine valleys, all the way to sport performance flying in the context of speed competitions or cross-country flights of more than 1,000 km.

Flight lovers and the curious here can experience the thrill of gliding with a promotional flight. In addition, the A.C.A.O. can rely on a trained team of instructors and has the qualifications to deliver the course for obtaining the gliding license and related ratings (motor glider and self-take-off glider).

The large and diverse fleet includes nine two-seater gliders (including three high-performance Schempp-Hirth Duo Discus), four single-seater gliders, three motor gliders, and four powerful trainer aircraft. The club offers a wide range of services: available to members are a bar with a large outdoor seating area, a restaurant, a comfortable clubhouse, a spacious and high-tech classroom, a modern flight simulator, an efficient workshop and a large campsite.

National and International guests are always welcome, for a short visit or with a longer stay for a flying internship to discover the beautiful geographical area in which we are immersed.

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