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Safety Day 2016

Safety Day 2016

The safety day has become a fixture before the start of the season and reached its 4th edition.

Yesterday the tough weather conditions have put a strain on members wanting to participate in the event but nevertheless more than 70 people attended… a BIG success for ACAO and flight safety!
We also thank the President Alessandro Scaltrini and some Alzate club members who wanted to be present at this meeting.

The speakers who alternated the presentations were A. Albertazzi, A. Cernezzi, A. Ferrero and G.Caroppo. The topics discussed were the following:-

  • Flight Safety in ACAO
  • Abnormal Events ACAO 2015
  • The Human Factor in ACAO
  • Outlandings
  • Case study

The report of A. Balducci on outlandings was postponed both due to lack of time and the speaker being stuck with snow on the highway.
Congratulations to Gianfranco Caroppo who co-ordinated the speakers making this year’s presentations ever more interesting and deliberately focused on events in ACAO.
Thanks to technologies such as Webcam, reconstructed 3D logger tracks from different points of view, or simulator reconstructions, the audience could immerse themselves in the reality represented as if they were personally involved.
The ‘Human Factor’ presentation was interesting in that it is taken increasingly into consideration in gliding.
Thanks also to Andrea Ferrero who managed, despite his personal involvement, to describe a fatal accident showing the likely causes that led to the tragic conclusion.

All that remains is to wish everyone good flying in 2016, always bearing in mind the advice received during this meeting… Looking forward to the next time.
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